Do Solar Panels Work in Winter: How This Happens


Do solar panels work in winter? Most people usually ask this question before going solar. 

It’s widespread knowledge that PV systems work best when there’s abundant sunlight and heat. But that’s merely a misconception.

In truth, solar panels can generate electricity throughout the four seasons. But what’s the secret? Read on to find out how solar systems generate power in winter and more. 

Solar Cells: The Working Principle

Solar panels on snow

Solar panels on snow

Most people believe solar panels only work when it’s sunny outside. But in truth, solar panels generate power efficiently in colder weather. Interestingly, solar panels depend on energy from sunlight, not heat.

As a result, cold climates are more suitable for solar panels. These systems keep generating power as long as it receives sunlight. 

Additionally, the electrons in solar panel silicons start moving when the photovoltaic cells receive sunlight. Further, this reaction births an electric current transferred to a home’s electric distribution box. Also, batteries added to the system can help store energy at night or during electrical outages.

Do Solar Systems Work in Cold Temperatures?

Solar panels facing the sun during winter

Solar panels facing the sun during winter

According to the working principles above, solar panels need energy from sunlight to operate. But, in truth, PV cells perform better in chilly conditions and have lower efficiency in hotter temperatures. In short, a cold bright day will generate more power from these cells than hot vibrant days.

In addition, this extraordinary phenomenon is the result of the difference between the photons and electrons. A higher energy difference between these particles translates to more generated power. 

Interestingly, this difference is more significant in cold conditions–meaning you’ll have more energy from your solar systems in winter.

Do Solar Cells Generate Power in Snowy Conditions?

Snow-covering solar panels

Snow-covering solar panels

Unfortunately, we can’t say the same for situations with heavy snow. Thick layers of snow may build up on your panels and block the cells from absorbing the sun’s rays. 

But your solar cells should keep generating power once you remove the snowy layer or it melts. And since solar panels are usually at an angle pointing to the sun, there’s a low chance of snow sticking on the panel’s surface.

Will Solar Panels Remain Efficient on Cloudy Winter Days?

Solar panels on a snowy roof

Solar panels on a snowy roof

Sadly, you may not enjoy the benefits of lower temperatures since there’s less sunlight during winter. Regions like the U.K only see 30% of the maximum sunlight yearly—with winter accounting for the smallest percentage.

Also, the cloud’s density may affect your solar energy output. So, the denser the clouds, the less sun rays your panels absorb. However, PV cells may still generate an acceptable amount of energy–even on cloudy days.

Why? Because solar cells utilize diffuse or direct light. Diffuse light is the solar radiation scattered by atmospheric particles before reaching the earth, while direct light is sunlight traveling from the sun to our world in a straight line.

Rounding Up

Solar panels working in winter are normal. Although it may not be as efficient as the summer months, solar systems may still generate enough renewable power to run a home. Even when it rains–PV cells can draw energy from indirect or diffuse sunlight.

Solar systems may also operate during winter storms, but only with batteries added for backup. After all, solar panels are incredibly durable, and they withstand harsh weather conditions.

Do you have more questions? Feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to help.

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