LED Wire Connectors 101 – The Essential Guide


Led wire connectors are vital for connecting wires in a safe way when done the right way. If you are looking for a simple way to connect led wires, led strip light solderless connectors are perfect. In addition, anyone can install them in mere seconds, following the guidelines provided, despite their expertise level.

Continue reading if you want to learn about led wire connectors and how to use them to help you choose the best-led strip lights.

Led Wire Connectors

1. Understanding LED Strip Connectors

Led strip connectors help you avoid trouble installing led lights in your household, including flickering lights and shortcuts. However, using led strip connectors is extremely practical and easy to use, which makes it a good alternative. Professionals recommend soldering led connections as the best way to join two led strips. For more information on how to do it, please check our post on how to solder PCB.

There are two types of led strip connectors according to the number of pins available.

Understanding LED Strip Connectors
  • 2 Pin LED Strip Connectors for single-color strips

These connectors only need to match the positive and negative connections to make any single color strip function.

  • 4 Pin LED Strip Connectors for RGB strip lights

Conversely, 4 Pin LED Strip Connectors to need 4 ports to match the standard positive, red, green, and blue (RGB) ports. These four ports allow led strip users to create any color light assortment.

2. The Types of Connection

Two main types of connections for both 2, and 4 Pin LED Strip Connectors are strip-to-strip and strip-to-wire.

  •  2.1 Strip-to-Strip Connection 
2.1 Strip-to-Strip Connection

Using strip-to-strip connections allows both strips’ ends to join. It also keeps the electrical current flowing to turn the lights on and off when desired. This type of connector click-tightly secures two strips to make a longer strip.

  • 2.2 Strip-to-wire Connection
2.2 Strip-to-wire Connection

Strip-to-wire connectors let you join a strip to a wire, connecting present gaps or connecting the led strip to a power source nearby.

  • L-shaped connectors
L-shaped connectors

Perfect for fitting led connections in tight spaces and corners, these connectors are extremely easy to use. On top of that, they make for a smooth and clean finish.

  • Jumper Cable Connectors
Jumper Cable Connectors

Works wonders on tight spaces and as led strip extensors due to their moldable and foldable.

3. How to use led strip light solderless connectors

led strip light solderless connectors

Installing solderless connectors will feel intuitive whether you are a led strip supplier, an engineer, or an interior designer. If you’re connecting two separate strips, clasp both ends inside the led strip light connector and close it to secure the strips; remember to do it with the PCB ports facing up to avoid any issue.

Conversely, if the strip is long, you’ll probably need to cut it to fit a corner or end the connection. If that happens, cut over the line in the middle of the PCB ports and follow the instructions.

4. Clicktight LED Strip Light Connector Tips and Troubleshooting

Clicktight LED Strip Light Connector Tips and Troubleshooting
  • If you experience some light flickering or a piece not lighting up, there’s undoubtedly a problem with the connection. Check that you removed the plastic covering the PCB to allow the glue to connect with the port. Try again right after.
  • If the problem persists, check the connector and fully close it. Also, check the strip is not too tense or too loose. This will avoid sudden movements that could cause the strips to fall off the connectors.
  • If you need to waterproof the connection, place a heat shrink over it and secure the entire relationship.
  • Make sure you’re connecting ports correctly to avoid malfunction. Positive should match positive, negative should match negative, and red, green, and blue should match their respective color ports.


Knowing a thing or two about led wire connectors can help you before installing led strips in any project. Being able to discern between one connector and the other will help you avoid obnoxious problems in the long run. 

If you want to start by yourself, there are plenty of led kits available for you to use. On the contrary, if you are looking for professional help, contact us for more information and assistance.

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