Morse Code Lights: How to Do Morse Code with Lights


The morse code is a unique way of representing an audio signal via simplistic dots and dashes. What makes the morse code special is that they sound out words. Hence, when you read Morse code aloud, you’ll hear the sounds represented by the code. Want to learn Morse code in depth? Also, do you want to build your own Morse Code Lights but don’t want to spend hours memorizing complex symbols? Then this article is for you.

Morse Code Definition

A ship sends a distress signal. 

International morse code – Morse code table

It’s a method that uses a combination of dashes, spaces, and dots to represent alphabetic characters, punctuation, and numbers.

In addition, the morse system will transmit the codes via electrical pulses. Hence, an electrical morse presentation features electrical pulses of varying durations to differentiate one code from the other. Others feature mechanical systems such as flashing lights.

The dash uses a more extended signal, whereas the dot uses a shorter one. The versatility of this system, which includes the use of flashing lights and audible radio signals for communication, contributes to its worth.

 Why Should You Learn Morse Code?

A ship sends a distress signal. 

A ship sends a distress signal. 

While Morse code no longer has as many practical uses as it formerly did, knowing it may provide you with tremendous intellectual enrichment. We can use Morse code today primarily for emergency communication. Regardless of their significance, learning new things may increase your confidence and give you a sense of success.

Also, your radio communications will improve. For instance, ham radios enable you to maintain a sufficient information flow and take more informed and secure actions after a tragedy. Besides, Morse code also makes it entertaining to deliver encrypted messages to classmates or colleagues during meetings.

Morse Code with Light

Morse code. 

The Morse code. 

Morse code is relatively easy to use with pulses of light. For dots, we use short light bursts for illustration. On the other hand, longer light bursts are handy for representing the dashes.

Hence, deciphering the signal is limited to only those who can see the light when the system sends Morse code via line-of-sight security.

Let’s now review the basics of morse code and how to convert it into light signals.

Dashes and Dot

The international morse code chat. 

The international morse code chat. 

We use the dot to represent the sound “di.” Conversely, the dash is three times longer than the dot. Also, the dash represents a greater duration signal. Dash represents a longer sound, “dah.” The timing between dots and dashes is usually by a 1:3 ratio.

We can generate all the alphabets, numerals, and punctuations we need to speak by combining these dots and dashes in different ways.

Morse Code Spacing with Light Rules

Latin alphabet and numerals in international Morse Code.

Latin alphabet and numerals in international Morse Code.

There are three spacing regulations, sometimes known as “pauses,” that aid in character recognition for the receiver. These timing guidelines are crucial since we can tell where one letter starts and where it ends. They include the following:

  1. You should maintain a 1-second timing gap (character speed) between dashes and dots while keeping the lights off.
  2. You ought to maintain a 3-second timing gap between full letters.
  3. With the light off, the delay between words is 7 seconds.

How to Transmit a Morse Code Message via a Flashlight

Morse code on a white background. 

Morse code on a white background. 

To convey a secret message using morse code, you should first transpose it to code. As an illustration, we can use the morse code alphabet chart to translate a sentence into morse code.

To readily identify words, place forward slashes between the bits of code as illustrated below. For instance, the coded message for this sentence, “milk on the table,” will be:

─ ─ • • • ─ • • ─ • ─ / ─ ─ ─ ─ • / ─ • • • • • / ─ • ─ ─ • • • • ─ • • •

With this morse code message, you can easily use a flashlight to transform the information. You can do this by flashing your dots and dashes using the lights on and off technique. Also, remember the time and spacing guidelines during the representation.

It will take time to master the timing of flashes as a method of communication.  But with practice, you will eventually perfect flashlights for morse code transmissions.

Lighted SOS Morse Code

An SOS morse code

An SOS morse code

You might have experienced emergencies or accidents in scary places, like out on the seas. It can be scary and might require you to send distress signals asking for help.

However, this should not worry you since you can send a Save Our Ship (SOS) message in morse code using a flashlight. The morse code for SOS is “… — …”. So all you need is to flash your flashlight for particular lengths of time. 

You should flash the light three times quickly, three times slowly, then a consecutive three more times swiftly, and then three seconds slowly again.

Also, for an efficient visual signal, restrict the “fast flashing” to under a second and the “slow flashing” to just over a second. Then, you can be sure to receive help from your abrupt signal.

Translators for Morse Code Light

A morse code vector. 

A morse code vector. 

Let’s now look at how you can convert morse code or written text to light signals. You can easily translate simple text from one language to morse code or the other way around using an online translator /morse code light translator.

Also, you can use different platforms to translate morse code, including morse code flashlight apps or even programmable flashlights. For instance, the best application is the “Flashlight with Morse Code.” In such a case, the phone’s flashlight will be the code’s output while the keyboard is the input.

Additionally, with such an application, you can alter the transmission speed. Further, such an app features an auto-repeat message option that lets your phone flash an SOS alert numerous times.

Hence, as long as you have an internet connection and understand the codes, these translators may help you.

Learning Morse Code

A list of letters, numbers, and the Morse alphabet.

A list of letters, numbers, and the Morse alphabet.

Like learning any language, morse code is easy to master. Let’s see now how you can quickly learn it then in the simple steps below:

  1. Find out what the basic signals signify. Your first goal is to distinguish between dashes and dots as they come in the text.
  2. Review the Morse code alphabet. Make a note of each letter or number as you progress through the alphabet, then say the appropriate dit-dah combination aloud.
  3. Sound out each signal. Work on speaking dits and dahs in the right rhythm while establishing the right time gap.
  4. Make creative word connections. Use word associations as a helpful tool to remember Morse code’s letters and numbers.
  5. Form some simple words and letters. You can start by spelling out the single dit or dah, which are easy to learn.


We’ve seen that using a flashlight to transmit morse code can be simple and entertaining. You can also use this code as SOS and save yourself during accidents or emergencies. Therefore, learning this vital morse code is crucial to our lives, and we should make it a primary tool for our communication. In addition, with practice, you can even use the code for advanced communication. For more, reach out to us at any time. 

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